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Epsom Village’s midwinter dinner raises $350 for Ukraine

Epsom Village may be one of our smallest villages with around 90 residents, but it has proven again that it has a huge heart. The community responded positively to the proposal of making over their traditional midwinter dinner and choosing a goodwill theme this year. With the title “Blue and Gold for Ukraine”, the village decided to raise awareness of the war in Ukraine and do some fundraising at the same time.

The Mid-winter dinner is one of the highlights of Epsom Village’s calendar, a close second to the Christmas dinner.

Most residents accepted the challenge to dress blue and gold, the same colours as the Ukrainian flag. For some this implied digging deep in their wardrobes, while others decided to put their creativity to the test with homemade crowns.

The residents enjoyed live music with pianist Max Purdie who played classic melodies to accompany the lively conversations at the tables. The village designed a Ukraine-inspired menu with a buffet including Chicken Kiev, Ukrainian Braised Pork, Cherry Cheesecake and Ukrainian Apple Cake. The chef, Grant Mathie, put all his heart in the Menu as he confessed to be very touched by the residents’ kindness.

Max Purdie has over 50 years of experience in the music business.

The Mid-winter dinner was an absolute success with the residents celebrating life and friendships. On top of that, the village raised $350 for Save the Children: Ukraine Children's Emergency Fund. At Real Living we know that having fun and doing good can perfectly compliment each other.

Lesley won the prize for the best costume for her spectacular homemade crown.

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