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Epsom Village sends more than 700 items to Ukraine

During July 2022, three Epsom Village residents felt they could help refugees in Ukraine in some small way, and approached the Village knitting group for their support, which was gladly given. This support quickly mushroomed to include donations Village wide. Les, Pat and Lesley have always been involved with volunteering and charity organisations, so they put their experience to work and set up Epsom Village’s Ukraine Appeal.

They contacted the organisation Mission Without Borders, a Christian charity reaching the poor and marginalised in Eastern Europe. For over a year now, Ukraine has been embroiled in a devastating war and Mission Without Borders has been one of the charities supporting Ukrainian communities, in many ways, both inside and outside the country. Les, Pat and Lesley found out that Mission Without Borders was organising a container to send to Ukraine in August 2023.

Over nine months the three friends have been collecting brand new items from many generous residents, including stationery, toiletries, sanitary and baby items. At the same time, the Village’s talented knitters/crocheters have been working relentlessly to make blankets, hats, scarves, baby clothes and almost one hundred knitted toys!

"We are completely blown away with the number of items we have received, a huge thank you to those Epsom Village residents, you have done the Village very proud, your generosity has been exceptional."

In total, Epsom Village is donating more than 700 items - 16 large rubbish bags full, to Mission Without Borders .The donations will be in storage until the container is ready to be shipped to Ukraine in August. Well done Team Epsom! It may be a small village but it certainly has a big heart - and they’re hoping to work towards the same goal for 2024, Mission Without Borders works in six of the poorest countries in Europe, and a container is sent annually, to where the need is greatest.

If you’d like to know more about joining our community contact Lyn on 021 845 524 or email

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